World Progression Classification
The World Progression Classification (WPC), issued by C/GAR/0013, is a classification tool used to designate integration with the UUN.
- Stage 1 - Discovery - This is a newly discovered world. No visits to that world are allowed. Only people who have Level 3 security clearances are allowed to access data of that world.
- Stage 2 - In Research - This is a world that is tested by scientists and researchers to check the atmosphere, planet, and other properties that may be potentially harmful. This stage also gains information on potential-life, political intentions, biosphere, etc. Those with Level 2 and higher security clearances are also allowed to access documents pertaining to that world.
- Stage 3 - Political Discussions - This is a world where where UUN diplomats try to communicate with the international community of that world to start "world-awakening," and discuss about cross-world affairs, which includes worldport availability, peace treaties, and potentially joining the UUN. Non-UUN visits in this stage are not allowed until further notice.
- Closed World - This is a world that are unregistered in the Worldport Connection Program. Some worlds do not want to be registered in the WCP, and we respect that. Worlds that allow cross-world travel can still be entered via protective gear and a permit issued by the Department of Cross-World Affairs.
- Open World - This is a world that can be visited via commercially-available worldports.